Establish Direct Contact With Manufacturers

from $680.00

Source qualified manufacturers and establish direct contact with China factories

No. of Manufacturers:
Source China Manufacturers

Source qualified manufacturers and establish direct contact with China factories

Source qualified manufacturers and establish direct contact with China factories

Establish Direct Contact With Manufacturers in China

We understand the importance of establishing direct communication with manufacturers. We are pleased to offer our expert liaison services, designed to help you navigate the complexities of international business.

【Our Service】

1. Factory Legal Status Verification:

We conduct an in-depth investigation to verify the legitimacy of the factory in question, ensuring they hold all required business licenses in mainland China.

2. Factory & Product License Check:

We liaise with the factory to confirm whether their products have secured the necessary import licenses (i.e., FDA, TGA, EMA) into the specified country.

3. Product Inquiry:

Based on your sourcing criteria, we provide general information about the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) and Production Lead Times for your required products.

  • For customized products, we offer a free check for two customized parts;

  • For non-customized products, we recommend two product alternatives within the same product category.

4. One-time Free Online Translation Support (45 minutes)

Once the manufacturer has been identified and you desire to communicate with them directly, this package incorporates a complimentary 45-minute online translation support session.

For further online translation support, you can order the service here.

【Service Rate】

  • Our services are priced at US$680 per factory/manufacturer.

  • If your desired product requires production across multiple factories, we can help you establish direct contact with each additional factory for a fee of US$680 per manufacturer.

    For instance, let's consider the production of a scented candle. The chain of production typically involves the following manufacturers:

    1. Essential Oil Producer

    2. Wax Producer

    3. Candle Cup Producer

    4. Packaging Producer

    In this case, if you wish to establish direct communication with each manufacturer involved in your product's supply chain, the service rate would be US$680 multiplied by the number of manufacturers. This would amount to US$680 x 4 = US$2,720 for a scented candle.


Our comprehensive Sourcing Report includes the following information:

1. Factory Name

2. Factory Address

3. Factory Contact Person Information, including:

- WeChat Contact

- Phone Number

- Email (if available)

4. Summary of Factory License Condition: This includes whether the factory possesses the required licenses per the importing country's rules and regulations.

5. Initial Product Quote: This includes the specifications for two customized parts or product recommendations.

6. Production Lead Time for the required quantity or MOQ.

7. Sample Product Price

8. Sample Production Lead Time

9. 45-minute Free Online Translation Support

For further online translation support, you can order the service here.

We look forward to assisting you in your international business endeavors and making your sourcing process smoother and more efficient.

【Service Note】

We'd like to clarify certain aspects of this service to ensure transparency and manage expectations.

1. Manufacturer Quality: We strive to match your specified criteria with the available manufacturers on the market. However, it's important to note that while we endeavor to find the best match, the recommended manufacturer may not meet 100% of your specifications.

2. Manufacturer Recommendations: The sourcing report is prepared as a one-time service. Should any modifications to your original sourcing requirements necessitate the selection of an additional or another manufacturer post-submission of our initial sourcing report, we'd be happy to assist. Please note there will be an additional service fee of US$1,000 per new manufacturer selection and liaison.

3. Extended Services: This package primarily focuses on establishing direct contact with manufacturers. It does not encompass price negotiation, translation, product procurement, shipping, or any other services not explicitly mentioned in the [Deliverable] section. We do offer these services separately and would be delighted to discuss these options should you require further assistance. Feel free to explore our comprehensive range of sourcing services here.

We value your understanding and look forward to assisting you in navigating the Chinese manufacturing landscape.

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