Company and Factory Inspection (Pre-Production)

from $100.00

Company verification before collaboration and production

Inspection Package:
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Company verification before collaboration and production

Company verification before collaboration and production

【Service Package A】Pre-production Company Verification (Non on-site visit)

We facilitate the validation process for the legality of your potential business partners in China.

Our service ensures that the company you plan to collaborate with is properly registered under Chinese law.

The comprehensive Inspection Report we deliver will encompass the following details:

  • Chinese name of the company

  • Registration number of the company

  • Registered address of the company

  • Registered capital

  • Total number of employees

  • Status of business licenses (including import and export licenses)

💰【Service Price】US$100 per report

⏰【Time of Delivery】1-2 business days.

⚠️ Please note that this service does NOT INCLUDE ON-SITE VISIT.

【Service Package B】On-Site Visit Company Verification

To ensure confidence in your prospective business collaborations, we offer an On-Site Company Verification service.

Our team will personally visit the company's registered address or the office location you found online, allowing us to ascertain its operational status first-hand.

The comprehensive Inspection Report you receive will encompass the following information:

  • Chinese name of the company

  • Registration number of the company

  • Registered address of the company

  • Registered capital

  • Total number of employees

  • Status of business licenses (including import and export licenses)

  • 3 to 5 pictures of the company’s operation status

A. The office building
B. The front entrance
C. The company name signage
D. The business license displayed within the office (if applicable)
E. The manager on-site (if applicable)

This service is designed to provide you with peace of mind, ensuring that the company you're considering for collaboration aligns with your expectations and standards.

💰【Service Price】US$300 per visit with the report

⏰【Time of Delivery】1-2 business days.

Important Note:

  1. The company's Chinese name is essential for conducting the check, as the registration process in China is primarily conducted in the Chinese language, not English.

  2. If you only provide the company's English name, the verification results' accuracy may be compromised.

  3. For optimal results, it is advisable to notify the company or factory management before our visit. This enables them to prepare adequately and showcase the full extent of their production capabilities. However, we recognize the intricacies of the inspection process and understand that an unannounced visit may yield limited information. Therefore, we recommend open communication and advanced scheduling to ensure a comprehensive and beneficial evaluation.

  4. The inspection will be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations within China. Please note that the scope of our service is limited to the elements explicitly outlined above.

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