You have questions about

doing business in China?

KOH’s DEVELOPMENT serves International SMEs that want to expand business in China, either Buying from China or Selling to China.

“When in China, do as the Chinese do” 

With us, you will be:

Worry-free about language barrier;

Worry-free about local policy and regulations;

Worry-free about “0 connection” in China;

All are taken care of for you.

The local Chinese with intricate ground knowledge will do an excellent job for you while you can access the profit potential of this 1.4 billion people market.

Before entering a new market, business owners should carry out Market Research to “know your customers,” “competitors,” “key market players,” and “local rules and regulations.” We all know that in the marketplace, “Knowledge is Power, and Knowledge is Money.”

Due to different cultures and social practices, what works in one country will probably not work in another. Before you embark on any significant venture, our Business Advisory Service will carefully lay out a complete Execution Plan with a clear budget and milestones for you to move forward immediately.

We Serve You

-   If you are a startup and would like to test the waters in China without any idea about how things work on the ground;

-   If you already have an established business in other markets and you would like to know whether the same business model can work in China;

-   If you have already established a small operation in China, and you would like to explore new ways of doing business here and would like to get a second opinion,  get suggestions and advice, including but not limited to

1)    which way is the most effective way to do marketing in China;

2)    how to build up sales and distribution channels;

3)    whether you should expand the business to another city in China;

4)    whether you should add some other services on the menu and would like to get the opinions from the locals.

-   If you need a customized business presentation covering your China business sector with data support for your potential investors.

  • Market Research

    We provide Standard & Customized Market Research to get you firsthand and reliable data to assist you with better business decisions.

  • Business Advisory

    We provide Business Advisory based on facts, industry experiences and current existing networks. Our advisory service not only gives you idea on the paper, but also provides established connections with industry leaders, potential business partners, suppliers, distributors, and other key players for the future development of your business in China.