China Market Research

from $190.00

Market research for business decisions.

Research Plan:
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Market research for business decisions.

Market research for business decisions.

【PLAN A - Basic Package】


  1. Market overview brief: market size and depth, etc;

  2. List the Top 3 Competitors that have the same or similar business models with a brief introduction and summary of their business sectors;

  3. List of Top 3 Potential Competitors: who have good potential to acquire similar business as yours in the near future with a brief introduction and summary of their business sectors.

Price: US$ 690

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • Revision of report is available at 50 USD/hour through scheduled Zoom Call 

  • US$ 200 per submission of a revision

Delivery: 3-5 working days


【PLAN B - Advanced Package】


  1. Market overview brief (market size and depth…etc);

  2. List of Top 5 Competitors that has the same or similar business models with brief introduction and summary of their business sectors;

  3. List of Top 5 Potential Competitors: who have good potential to acquire similar business as yours in the near future with a brief introduction and summary of their business sectors.

  4. Budget Estimation for Setting Up Business in China:

    1) Price comparison of setting up different types of companies in China;

    2) Estimation of 1-year operation cost;

  5. Comparing Digital Marketing Channel: compare 2 digital marketing platforms of your selection, i.e. Baidu SEO, Weibo, Wechat, RED;

Price: US$ 3,900

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • 1 free revision upon receiving clear revision instructions from the client;

  • further revision(s) of the report is available at 50 USD/hour through scheduled Zoom Call & US$ 200 per submission of a revision

Delivery: 7-10 working days


【PLAN C - Premium Customized Market Research】


  1. Scope of your interest (i.e. what do you want to know from the research?)

  2. We propose a research method, and estimate time and cost;

Price: Start from US$ 190 per hour

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • 1 free revision upon receiving clear revision instructions from the client;

  • further revision(s) of the report is available at 100 USD/hour through scheduled Zoom Call

  • US$ 500 per submission of revision;

Time of Delivery: Subject to Project 

Business Advisory
from $100.00