Business Advisory

from $100.00

We provide Business Advisory based on facts, industry experiences and our existing business networks in China. Our advisory service will not only give you ideas on the paper, but also provide established connections with industry leaders, potential business partners, suppliers, distributors, and other key players for the future development of your business in China.

Types of Service:
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We provide Business Advisory based on facts, industry experiences and our existing business networks in China. Our advisory service will not only give you ideas on the paper, but also provide established connections with industry leaders, potential business partners, suppliers, distributors, and other key players for the future development of your business in China.

We provide Business Advisory based on facts, industry experiences and our existing business networks in China. Our advisory service will not only give you ideas on the paper, but also provide established connections with industry leaders, potential business partners, suppliers, distributors, and other key players for the future development of your business in China.

【Plan A】

  1. Based on 3 competitors’ & 3 potential competitors’ background analyses, and your business profile, we will provide a SWOT analysis with your existing business model.

  2. Business advisory with an initial budget plan for setting up the business in China, which includes a breakdown of operational costs and expenses for the first year (exclusive of marketing and sales planning).

Price: US$ 1,980

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • 1 free revision upon receiving the client’s detailed revision requests;

  • further revisions is available at US$ 80/hour through scheduled Zoom Call & US$ 300/submission of revision;

Time for Delivery: 7-10 working days


【Plan B】

  1. SWOT analysis of your existing model in China market with competitor analysis;

  2. Business Advisory with an initial budget plan for setting up the business in China, which includes a breakdown of costs and expenses for the first year (exclusive of marketing and sales cost planning).

  3. Marketing Channel Advisory: introduction about offline & online marketing channels in China, with one offline marketing channel selection & one online marketing channel selection. Budget Plan for marketing in China will be provided.

Price: US$ 2,980

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • 1 free revision upon receiving the client’s detailed revision requests;

  • further revisions are available at US$ 100 per hour through scheduled Zoom Call

  • US$ 300 per submission of revision;

First Delivery: 10-12 working days


【Plan C】

  1. SWOT analysis of your existing business model compared with 3-5 key players in China (3-4 pages);

  2. Business advisory laying out 1 market niche in China with market size estimation for your consideration (1-2 pages);

  3. Initial budget plan for setting up business in China, which includes

    1) operational costs and expenses in the first year;

    2) online and offline marketing channel advisory with cost structure analysis;

    3) sales and distribution channel advisory (4-6 pages)

    4) Draft of distribution/sales agreement compliant with mainland China rules and regulations (3-5 pages)

* The report's length is not fixed and will vary subject to different projects. 

Price: US$ 4,980

Milestone: Delivery of Report


  • 1 free revision upon receiving the client’s detailed revision requests;

  • further revisions and consultation is available at US$ 100 per hour through scheduled Zoom Call;

  • US$ 400 per submission of revision;

First Delivery: 15-20 working days


【Scheduled Consultation】

  1. Schedule a call with a Chinese expert to answer your questions about doing business in China; if the expert is native Chinese and does not speak English, consecutive English translation service is provided during the call;

  2. Conference Notes and Summary is available upon separate request at US$ 100 per note per meeting, the same rate applies to both 30 minutes & 60 minutes meeting;

  3. Please make the appointment at least 24 hours before the call, and send us key information and questions of your concern, so that we are well prepared to address your questions and provide quality insight;

  4. After purchasing the consultation service, please select your preferred consultation time slot below, and we are good to go!

China Market Research
from $190.00