Product Inspection Service Fee

  • Standard Inspection Package ($300)

    • SKU Inclusion: 1 to 3 SKUs

    • Product Quantity per SKU: ≤ 500 pcs

    • Inspection Quantity: 10% per SKU, up to 50 pcs per SKU

    • Inspection Criteria: 1 to 5 criteria per SKU


    1. Inspection Criteria: Specifies standards and inspection details. Please provide an Inspection Criteria List before placing the order.

    2. Inspection Quantity for Standard Package:

      • Product Quantity per SKU: ≤ 500 pcs

      • Inspection Quantity: 10% per SKU (≤50 pcs per SKU)

      • Number of SKUs: 3

    Example One

    Order Quantiy: 1,200 pcs of T-shirts across 3 SKUs:

    • SKU-A: 400 pcs

    • SKU-B: 500 pcs

    • SKU-C: 300 pcs

    Inspection Criteria:

    1. Quantity verification for each SKU

    2. Correct size allocation per SKU

    3. Inclusion of a "thank you card" in each package

    4. Presence of a logo sticker on each package

    5. Integrity check of the packaging

    Inspection Quantity:

    • SKU-A: 40 pcs

    • SKU-B: 50 pcs

    • SKU-C: 30 pcs

    • Total: 120 pcs

  • Additional Service | Extra Inspection Quantity within 1-5 Inspection Criteria

    • Fee: $1.00 per additional piece/item/unit inspected beyond the standard quantity without adding extra criteria.

    Example Two

    Order: Same as Example One in Standard Pacakge
    Desired Inspection Quantity: 100 pcs per SKU, total 300 pcs

    • Additional Inspection Quantity: 180 pcs (300 - 120)

    • Additional Inspection Fees: $180 ($1.00 x 180)

    • Total Inspection Fees: $480 ($300 + $180)

    Additional Service | Added Inspection Criteria Within Standard Inspection Quantity

    • Fee: $1.00 per additional inspection criteria per item within the standard inspection quantity (≤150 pcs).

    Example Three

    Order: Same as Example One, adding two extra criteria:
    6. No stains on the T-shirt
    7. No broken pieces

    Total Inspection Fee: $540 ($300 + 2x120)

    Additional Service | Added Inspection Quantity with Added Inspection Criteria

    • Service Charge: Applies per fee table for added criteria and increased inspection quantity.

    Example Four

    Desired Inspection Criteria: Total of 8
    Desired Inspection Quantity: 80 pcs per SKU, total 240 pcs

    Total Inspection Fee: $780 ($300 + 4 x (240 - 120))

  • Service Description:

    • SKU Limit: this service policy applies if you want to inspect more than 3 SKUs in one inspection.

    • Fee: $50 per additional SKU, including up to 50 pcs to be inspected per SKU.

    • Additional Fees: Calculated as per the existing fee structure for quantities beyond the standard inspection limit.

    Example Five

    Order Details: 1,800 pcs of T-shirts across 5 SKUs:

    • SKU-A: 400 pcs

    • SKU-B: 500 pcs

    • SKU-C: 300 pcs

    • SKU-D: 300 pcs

    • SKU-E: 300 pcs

    Fee Calculation:

    • Base Fee for SKU A, B, C: $300

    • Additional Fee for SKU D & E: $100 ($50 x 2)

    Total Inspection Fee: $400