Application To Sell On China E-Commerce Platforms (Tmall & RED)

Application Documents

  1. Tmall: Product Distribution Authorization Letter With Seal (Download)

  2. Tmall: Brand Flagship Store Authorization Letter With Seal (Download)

  3. RED (Xiaohongshu): Brand Authorization Letter With Seal (Download)

  4. Company Registration Certificate (pdf/png)

  5. Brand Ownership Certificate (pdf/png)

  6. Tax Payment Certificate or Receipt Issued by Respective Revenue Department

  7. Product Description: One product one .doc/.docx file, max 30 products (Download)

  8. Product Pictures (Each product please prepare 8-10 pictures in PNG/JPG/JPEG format, showing Full Product; max 30 products)

*When you are ready with the documents above, please click the button below to proceed with your Account Application.

Application Documents_Sample

  1. Tmall: Product Distribution Authorization Letter (Download)

  2. Tmall: Brand Flagship Store Authorization Letter (Download)

  3. RED (Xiaohongshu): Brand Authorization Letter (Download)

  4. Product Description: One Product One File (Download)